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The end of the year is almost here! Click any of the links below to dive into this edition of The St. Peter's Redwood Review.
Gigi Miller Farewell - An inspiring excerpt from Gigi’s last sermon on her time here at St. Peter’s.
Thank you from ECS - A big thank you from Episcopal Community Services for your support last month.
Interfaith Shelter Returns - Chis Grobin gives us insight into Interfaith Shelter, returning to St. Peter’s in January.
Advent Fair Photos - Photos from this year’s Advent Fair.
Giving Agape - Kairos - Kurt Teztlaff updates us on the Kairos Prison Minsitry and the impact St. Peter’s has had.
The Littlest Christmas Tree - Story by Albert E. Breland, Jr. M.D.
Welcome Deacon Pete! - Our new deacon will be starting this month.