When we give, we generously offer our very selves to the mission of God, working with God for the inbreaking of God's kingdom, and the unfolding of God's dream for all of creation. Christian giving is a response to the generosity God has lavished on us. While our gifts make the ministry of St. Peter's possible, we give for the sake of the health of our souls, not because the church needs our money.
All that we have and all that we are comes from God. Our talents, treasure and time do not truly belong to us; they are gifts from God. Gratitude leads to generosity which leads to the fulfillment of God's mission. Our generosity prepares the way of the Lord for incredible things that never would be possible otherwise. As we give and live into our identity as generous Christians, God transforms our souls. A miracle occurs. Our gratitude deepens and grows, and so does the blessing.
Ways to Give
Ways to Give ~
Plate Offerings
When we gather in person for worship, plate offerings collect funds beyond the pledge. These gifts are another way our gratitude and generosity make incarnate the mission and ministry of God as experienced through St. Peter's. These offerings support local ministries as well as community, diocesan and international ministries. To make a plate offering, simply place cash, checks or donation envelopes in the plate as the ushers pass them.
Ways to Give
Ways to Give ~
Special Gifts
Would you like to honor a loved one? Remember a friend or relative who has passed on? Or give thanks on an important occasion? Please make a special gift as the Spirit moves you to greater generosity and joy. Make sure to let us know about your special celebration or commemoration in the Comments section.
Create a meaningful legacy that lasts a lifetime...
Create a meaningful legacy that lasts a lifetime...
Legacy Giving
Would you like to ensure the continuation of parish ministries long into the future? Would you like to help St. Peter's grow its endowment? If so we invite you to become a member of the Jarrett Legacy Society, which honors those who have remembered St. Peter's in their end-of-life plans. You can arrange a bequest by:
Adding language to your will or living trust that directs a percentage of assets, or a certain amount of the value of your estate to St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Del Mar.
Naming St. Peter's Episcopal Church Del Mar as a beneficiary or contingent beneficiary of a life insurance policy or annuity
Naming St. Peter's Episcopal Church Del Mar as a beneficiary or contingent beneficiary of your IRA or other retirement plans.
Other vehicles can provide income for you and tax benefits for you and your heirs. These include: charitable trusts, charitable remainder trusts, gift annuities and others. Please consult your financial advisor about these tools. Our church office can provide specific wording for updates to your plans.
We are stewards of God's bounty. Caretakers. For a brief period we are given time, energy and resources. What we do with these gifts ultimately defines the character of our life and the depth of our spiritual understanding.