Theology Book Club: The Four Vision Quests of Jesus
Wednesday, March 19
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Church Library
Join us Wednesday, March 19th at 6:30pm as we discuss (the Rt. Rev.) Steven Charleston's book, The Four Vision Quests of Jesus. A unique look at Christian biblical interpretation and theology from the perspective of Native American tradition. This book focuses on four specific experiences of Jesus as portrayed in the synoptic gospels. It examines each story as a “vision quest,” a universal spiritual phenomenon, but one of particular importance within North American indigenous communities.
The Rt. Rev. Katherine Jefforts Schori says of the book, "In a time when there is a famine of hearing the words of the Lord, Charleston makes an instructive and provocative offering for all on the spiritual journey. The Christ is to be found in every context, and Charleston shares an indigenous encounter with the word-thought-logos of God. This is a deeply significant contribution to Anglican theology through a lens that is likely more congruent with biblical roots in the tribes of the Middle East than currently understood in the West." You can just show up to the library, or RSVP to the church office if you need the Zoom link.